Nita, being a sassy and savvy individual, Nita uses her lifes experiences to help others in this second mini-book series Nita’s Eureka Pick-Me-Ups!

Contained within each book are 20 original quotes and action pages to get you going, resources pages for further reading, notes pages and also the possibility of writing your own ‘problem page’ letter to Nita – Agony Aunt on a Pinky!


Nita is a delight! Her dauntless determination to turn obstacles into opportunities provides an inspiring lesson for women of all ages.

BHAKTI MATHUR, author of the best-selling Amma Tell Me and Amma Take Me series.


I love these little books and keep them on my desk for those moments when I’ve compared myself to too many other people on Instagram (!) and feelin’ the doubt,  or I need to get up and move my potatoes instead of sitting here at my desk.  Aimed at women of all ages, to unblock the blockages. 15 more in the pipeline!


Yes, you can actually Write to Nita! I’ve done it and got a great reply. She’s a floating Agony Aunt who, along with her rather cheeky fish, NACHO, will be sure to raise a smile!   

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