Whenever I can, I like to use my skills to work on projects that make a real difference to people.

For the last two years I’ve been working with The Puppet Tree, a creative Social Enterprise in Norfolk ( my homelands). I’ve been helping them to get their work out there, and get more attention by re-building their website, sorting out their social media and illustrating their signature book! 

“The Puppet Tree is a unique Art, Theatre and Therapy space where people of ALL ages and abilities can explore the magic of puppetry. 

It’s been a privilege working with the creator and founder Karen Crane, and putting all this together. I have learnt so much about using puppetry to help build confidence, literacy and creativity in children, as well as learning about how puppetry can help with many traumatic events in a child’s life like illness and bereavement. 

It’s been a wonderful journey, and it gives me pure joy to know how many children are benefitting directly from this work, now and in the future. If you are in Norfolk, drop in and get creative, and you can even have the unique opportunity to play with a REAL puppet theatre! It’s an immersive and creative experience for kids like no other.

To order the book or learn more about The Puppet Tree go to their ( super!) website

Follow them on Instagram @the_puppet_tree

Would you like to work with me? I offer a range of cartoons services!

  • Character designs
  • Book illustrations
  • Layout and design
  • Cover design
  • Cartoons for editorial
  • Cartoons for web
  • Full book service including everything that takes your book from manuscript to a fully illustrated print ready PDF, ready to launch into the world!

Get the party started –  BOOK a FREE 15 minute, no obligation chat, where we talk books, expectations and prices. 

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