WHO IS...?

Dotti Colvin Cartoonist and illustrator...

BIOGRAPHY - Short version

Dotti Colvin is the illustrator of several humorous books for children and young adults, including the Nita’s Adventure Series, Lance and The Boiled Egg, and the award-winning Baby Worries.

Before becoming an illustrator, Dotti spent 15 years in the London animation industry, creating award winning commercials, shorts and music videos for clients including the BBC, Cartoon Network and Grand Central records as well as mentoring and teaching at the Royal College of Art London, Escape Studios and many other universities.

Fluent in English and Italian, Dotti moved to Italy in 2013 with her husband to raise little humans while continuing to work remotely. In 2021, she joyfully shifted from animation to illustration, combining her love for comedy and character into her work.

Dotti now lives near an Italian lake with Wifi, her husband and two bilingual sons. When she’s not illustrating she enjoys a cheeky Prosecco, reading about science and tech, fixing and up-cycling stuff, and trying to be cool while paddle-boarding with her boys.

If you’d like to work with her, then she’d love to hear from you. Please drop her an email or book in a 15 minute chat!


Book of the Decade Award – WishingShelf Book Awards 2024

Gold Award – WishingShelf Book Awards 2022

Silver award – Fingathing Super hero music – Kalamazoo Animation festival

Gold Award – Thunderpig – Imagina Animation festival

Silver Award Thunderpig – Kalamazoo , short film category

Silver Award- Interrogating Ernie – Anima-mundi festival ~

Puppet Exhibition –Radio City, Rockafella Plaza –New York 1995


2003   Bradford Animation Festival  Guest speaker

2003 2007  AnimaeCaribe festival .Trinidad  Guest speaker


I offer a range of cartoons services!

I choose to work with authors who write funny character-driven books, or journalists and bloggers who need a comical visual to break the ice on a more serious message. I am open to reading all your stories, but please know that I do not accept ALL manuscripts as projects. I look for something that together with my work will be a rocking combination.  For book commissioning see here.

  • Character designs
  • Book illustrations
  • Layout and design
  • Cover design
  • Cartoons for editorial
  • Cartoons for web
  • Full book service including everything that takes your book from manuscript to a fully illustrated print ready PDF, ready to launch into the world!

Get the party started –  BOOK a FREE 15 minute, no obligation chat, where we talk books, expectations and prices. 


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error: Content is copyright protected Dotti Colvin 2024